Want to explode your paddling core strength? You got it. These exercises require that you understand how to engage your core muscles both before and during the entire set. You become the stabilizing factor as you perform these movements. Also, I’d like you to pay close attention to the tubing or TRX Rip Trainer cord so that it is always taut and under tension throughout the entire series. I call this “time under tension”. If you “let go” of this concept, or your core, you won’t benefit fully from this workout.
Training Note: It’s your choice if you wear shoes or not, or if you train on an unstable surface such as the beach (which is more challenging). I try to train barefoot so that I can mimic the feel of the board. If working with weights, be careful not to drop them on your feet! Everyone’s training needs and experience will vary, so the number of sets/reps you perform is up to you. Typically, if you are just starting out, try 1-3 sets with 10-12 reps each, making sure you are always in perfect form.
Equipment: TRX Rip Trainer, medium/heavy resistance tube
Progression Variables:change the platform you are standing on or use a heavier tubing or cord
Exercise 1: Standing Core Dynamic Stabilization TRX Ripper/Tube Rotations
Click on the photo for a larger view.In this photo, I’m using the new TRX Rip Trainer with the heavier cord. Starting with your feet solidly on the ground about shoulder width apart, pointed straight ahead and with good posture, tie the cord to a secure object (Dave’s truck worked great!). Holding the TRX bar at shoulder width and just below the top of your shoulders, begin to engage your core by drawing in your abs and hold while making sure to breathe. Remember, safety loop! Don’t death grip the bar, but start far enough away from post with enough tension that will require you to stabilize the bar and your body. Rotate your body to the right while core engaged, then slowly return just before your start position (critical) and repeat.
Progression 1: Stand on your BOSU or other unstable platform. (An INDO Board on top of a Gigante Disc works well too). Now do the same movements while on the BOSU. Wow…crazy!
Click on the photo for a larger view.Progression 2: Secure a light, medium, or heavy gauge tubing to your secure object and perform the same movement as above, however, this time you’ll need to steady the tubing with your left arm locked. Gently clasp the tube with one hand, but do not grip too heavily. Place a bit of tension on the tube and begin the rotation. Remember “time under tension”. To increase challenge, step further out or hop on your BOSU or other unstable platform.
Exercise 2: Opposite Shoulder Mat Shoulder Press w/ Stability Ball Rotation
Click on the photo for a larger view.This one is challenging, but fantastic for scaption (upper back/shoulder) strength while working the inner legs and core. Lying back on the floor, with your arms stretched out and palms face down, place a stability ball between your feet as you press your shoulder blades flat to ground. Keep your feet with the ball in such a position so that your back does not arch. Engage your core and begin by slowly letting your legs fall to the left side of your body while “pressing” your right shoulder blade into the ground. If your shoulder starts to rise, you’ve gone too far. Using your inner thighs, abs, glutes (all core muscles) and lower back, gently come back to the mid line of your body and now repeat on the opposite side. Killer!
Progression 1: Lower your legs towards floor but without losing forward pelvic tilt (ie. keep your lower back flat on the ground). These exercises should take you a long way into better paddling and endurance. I have much more to come, so please check out my other training articles as well.